N. T. Wright
D.Phil. and D.D., University of Oxford
N. T. Wright is professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and also senior research fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.
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1.1 Beginning Study of the New Testament
1.2 The New Testament as History
1.3 The New Testament as Literature
1.4 The New Testament as Theology
2.1 The History of the Jews between the Persian and Roman Empires
2.2 The Jewish Context of Jesus and the Early Church
2.3 The Graeco-Roman Context of the Apostles and the Early Church
3.1 The Study of the Historical Jesus
3.2 The Profile and Praxis of a Prophet
3.3 Who Did Jesus Think He Was?
3.4 The Death of the Messiah
4.1 The Afterlife in Greek, Roman, and Jewish Thought
4.2 The Story of Easter according to the Apostle Paul
4.3 The Story of Easter according to the Evangelists
5.1 The Story of Paul’s Life and Ministry
5.2 A Primer on Pauline Theology
5.3 1–2 Thessalonians
5.4 Galatians
5.5 1–2 Corinthians
5.6 Philippians
5.7 Colossians, Philemon, and Ephesians
5.8 Romans
5.9 The Pastoral Epistles
6.1 Mark
6.2 Matthew
6.3 Luke–Acts
6.4 John
6.5 The Making of the Gospels
7. The Early Christians and the Mission of God
7.1 Introduction to Early Christian Letters
7.2 Hebrews
7.3 Letters by Jesus’s Brothers: James and Jude
7.4 Petrine Letters: 1 and 2 Peter
7.5 Johannine Letters: 1, 2, and 3 John
7.6 John the Seer and the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ
8. The Making of the New Testament
8.2 The Canonization of the New Testament
9.1 Bringing it All Together
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